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Dating with imported fruits
Jia Jia can't help but think of Bai Juyi's pen "Tianjia less leisurely month, May people busy" scene
When Avocado Meets Mexico
When it comes to Mexico, what kind of impression do you have? Is it the intoxicating turquoise sea where Lin Chi-ling swims in ‘Flower Sister’ or the passionate desert where Brian races his car in ‘The Fast and the Furious’? Is it the deep ancient In
Mr Boss spoke at the 2nd Avocado Conference.
With the theme of ‘Integration - Innovation’, the 2019 Asian Quality Fruit Industry Chain (Yunnan) Summit concluded successfully yesterday in Kunming, Yunnan. The meeting brought together more than a thousand industry decision makers, fruit and veget
号称长在树上的矿泉水喝起来也是那种变态甜几乎透明的清澈椰汁瞬间激活味蕾、润泽全身跟春天的干燥say no 嘉嘉爱吃水果已经不是个秘密了今天嘉嘉就来推荐心头宝——泰国椰青
Travelling with an avocado
The influence of Chinese tourism on world travel is increasing day by day, and as high as the tourism tide is the trend of eating avocado, a strange-looking, exotic fruit with a refreshing taste, which has become a Netflix fruit for the Chinese peopl